
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Review

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was established to ensure that banks meet the credit needs of their communities.  In order to ensure compliance with the Act, the regulators have established criteria to measure banks' CRA performance.  Specific criteria have been established for different size banks:  Small Banks; Intermediate-small Banks; and Large Banks.  A bank's CRA performance is assessed periodically by its primary regulator and they provide the bank with a written report. 

Our CRA review will assess the bank's compliance with this Act by conducting a regulatory style review.  We will evaluate the bank's performance under the following areas:

  • Loan to Deposit Ratio
  • Loans within the Assessment Area
  • Lending to Borrowers of Varying Income Levels
  • Geographic Penetration
  • Response to Complaints
  • Public File

And the Community Development (CD) Test (if applicable):

  • CD Lending
  • CD Investments
  • CD Services

Why Choose Unicon

We offer an independently managed, objective review, bringing a vast knowledge of regulations and connections to resources.